Add a touch of sweet elegance to your creepy castle with our selection of floral skulls.
Available in:
Dracula's Dark Roast : Made with actual ground coffee, this will wake the dead with its rich aroma.
Elm Street Nightmare : The smell of an old sweater, a hint of smoldering ash, crisp October leaves, a dash of cinnamon, and just a wee dab of fear.
Depths of the Black Lagoon : Deep waters, aquatic reeds, and a touch of lemongrass.
Cemetery Flowers : An array of aromas one might find in a florist's shop before visiting the dead, including wildflower and peony.
Peril in the Pumpkin Patch : Fresh fall gourds, cinnamon spice, cloves, nutmeg, and homemade pie crust.
Lilith's Dark Lavender : A dark wanderer resting in a field of fresh wild lavender with just a barely-there hint of lilac.
Leatherbound Spellbook : Creased old pages, aged leather, and a dash of otherworldly mischief.